Difference: BoardSupportPackageH743 (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132022-06-30 - PeterSchmid

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META TOPICPARENT name="MecrispCubeH74x"
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  pwmpin! ( u a -- ) sets the digital output port pin a (D3=3, D4=4, D5=5, D6=6, D9=9, and D10=10) to a PWM value u (0..1000). Default frequency is 1 kHz, TIMER3/TIMER4
pwmprescale ( u -- ) Sets the PWM prescale for TIMER3/TIMER4. 42 kHz / prescale, default 42 -> PWM frequency 1 kHz
pwmprescale ( u -- ) Sets the PWM prescale for TIMER3/TIMER4. 60 kHz / prescale, default 60 -> PWM frequency 1 kHz
ICOCprescale ( u -- ) Sets the input capture / output compare prescale for TIMER2. default 42 -> 42 MHz / 42 = 1 MHz, timer resolution 1 us
ICOCprescale ( u -- ) Sets the input capture / output compare prescale for TIMER2. default 60 -> 60 MHz / 60 = 1 MHz, timer resolution 1 us
 ICOCperiod! ( u -- ) Sets the input capture / output compare (TIMER2) period. default $FFFFFFFF (4'294'967'295). When the up counter reaches the period, the counter is set to 0. For prescale 32 the maximum time is about 1 h 11 m
Line: 189 to 189

Control the Neopixel

apin@ ( a -- u ) returns the ADC value (12 bit, 0 .. 4095) from one of the analog pins A0 to A5 (0 .. 5). Here I use the A0 to control the neopixel blue led brightness.
apin@ ( a -- u ) returns the ADC value (16 bit, 0 .. 65535) from one of the analog pins A0 to A5 (0 .. 5). Here I use the A0 to control the neopixel blue led brightness.
: neo-blue ( -- ) 

0 apin@ 16 / neopixel!
0 apin@ 256 / neopixel!
  10 osDelay drop key? until key drop
Line: 202 to 202

Control the Knightrider Pace

apin@ ( a -- u ) returns the ADC value (12 bit, 0 .. 4095) from one of the analog pins A0 to A5 (0 .. 5). Here I use the A0 to control the delay.
apin@ ( a -- u ) returns the ADC value (12 bit, 0 .. 65535) from one of the analog pins A0 to A5 (0 .. 5). Here I use the A0 to control the delay.
Line: 211 to 211
 : left ( -- ) 7 0 do 1 i pin dpin!
0 apin@ 10 / osDelay drop \ delay depends on A0
0 apin@ 160 / osDelay drop \ delay depends on A0
  0 i pin dpin! loop ;
Line: 222 to 222
 : right ( -- ) 8 1 do 1 8 i - pin dpin!
0 apin@ 10 / osDelay drop \ delay depends on A0
0 apin@ 160 / osDelay drop \ delay depends on A0
  0 8 i - pin dpin! loop ;
Line: 239 to 239

Using the PWM (Analog Output Pins)

Six port pins are supported so far.

The 16 bit timers TIM3 (D5 and D6) and TIM4 (D9, D10, D14, and D15) are used for the timebase, time resolution is 1 us (42 MHz SysClk divided by 42). The PWM scale is from 0 (0 % duty cycle) to 1000 (100 % duty cycle), this results in a PWM frequency of 1 kHz. If you need higher PWM frequencies, decrease the divider and/or the scale.
The 16 bit timers TIM1 (D3, D4, D5 and D6) and TIM4 (D9, D10) are used for the timebase, time resolution is 1 us (60 MHz SysClk divided by 60). The PWM scale is from 0 (0 % duty cycle) to 1000 (100 % duty cycle), this results in a PWM frequency of 1 kHz. If you need higher PWM frequencies, decrease the divider and/or the scale.
PWM port pins: D5 (TIM3CH2), D6 (TIM3CH1), D9 (TIM4CH3), D10 (TIM4CH4), D14 (TIM4CH2), and D15 (TIM4CH1).
PWM port pins: D3 (TIM1CH2), D4 (TIM1CH1), D5 (TIM1CH3), D6 (TIM1CH4), D9 (TIM4CH2), D10 (TIM4CH1).
Simple test program to set brightness of a LED on pin D6 with a potentiometer on A0. Default PWM frequency is 1 kHz (prescaler set to 42). You can set the prescale with the word pwmprescale from 42 kHz (value 1) down to 0.5 Hz (64000).
Simple test program to set brightness of a LED on pin D6 with a potentiometer on A0. Default PWM frequency is 1 kHz (prescaler set to 60). You can set the prescale with the word pwmprescale from 60 kHz (value 1) down to 0.5 Hz (64000).
5 6 dmod   \ set D6 to PWM

Line: 265 to 265
  A servo pulse of 1.5 ms width will typically set the servo to its "neutral" position (typically half of the specified full range), a pulse of 1.0 ms will set it to 0°, and a pulse of 2.0 ms to 90° (for a 90° servo). The physical limits and timings of the servo hardware varies between brands and models, but a general servo's full angular motion will travel somewhere in the range of 90° – 180° and the neutral position (45° or 90°) is almost always at 1.5 ms. This is the "standard pulse servo mode" used by all hobby analog servos.
The BSPs default PWM frequency is 1 kHz, 50 Hz is 20 times slower. The divider is therefore 42 * 20 = 840.
The BSPs default PWM frequency is 1 kHz, 50 Hz is 20 times slower. The divider is therefore 60 * 20 = 1200.
1 ms 50
45° 1.5 ms 75
90° 2 ms 100
Line: 280 to 280

840 pwmprescale
1200 pwmprescale
 5 5 dmod \ set D5 to PWM

: servo ( -- )

Line: 389 to 389

Using EXTI line

D11, D12, and D13 can be used as an EXTI line. EXTIs are external interrupt lines, D13 uses EXTI1 (EXTI Line1 interrupt), D12 EXIT2, and D11 EXTI3.
D0, D11, and D12 can be used as an EXTI line. EXTIs are external interrupt lines, D0 uses EXTI7 (EXTI Line7 interrupt), D11 EXIT5, and D12 EXTI6.
: exti-test ( -- )

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