Difference: BoardSupportPackageWB (33 vs. 34)

Revision 342022-10-27 - PeterSchmid

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  Defaults: Digital port pins D0 to D7 are push pull outputs, D8 to D15 are inputs with pull-up resistors.

led1! ( n -- ) sets LED1 (blue) led2! ( n -- ) sets LED2 (green) led3! ( n -- ) sets LED3 (red) led1@ ( -- n ) gets LED1 (blue) led2@ ( -- n ) gets LED2 (green) led3@ ( -- n ) gets LED3 (red)

switch1? ( -- n ) gets switch1, closed=TRUE switch2? ( -- n ) gets switch2, closed=TRUE switch3? ( -- n ) gets switch3, closed=TRUE

dport! ( n -- ) sets the digital output port (D0=bit0 .. D15=bit15). dport@ ( -- n ) gets the digital input/output port (D0=bit0 .. D15=bit15). dpin! ( n a -- ) sets the digital output port pin (D0=0 .. D15=15) dpin@ ( a -- n ) gets the digital input/output port pin dmod ( u a -- ) sets the pin mode: 0 in, 1 in pull-up, 2 in pull-down, 3 out push pull, 4 out open drain,

led1! ( ? -- ) set LED1 (blue) led2! ( ? -- ) set LED2 (green) led3! ( ? -- ) set LED3 (red) led1@ ( -- ? ) get LED1 (blue) led2@ ( -- ? ) get LED2 (green) led3@ ( -- ? ) get LED3 (red)

switch1? ( -- ? ) get switch1, closed=TRUE switch2? ( -- ? ) get switch2, closed=TRUE switch3? ( -- ? ) get switch3, closed=TRUE

dport! ( n -- ) set the digital output port (D0=bit0 .. D15=bit15). dport@ ( -- n ) get the digital input/output port (D0=bit0 .. D15=bit15). dpin! ( n a -- ) set the digital output port pin (D0=0 .. D15=15) dpin@ ( a -- n ) get the digital input/output port pin dmod ( u a -- ) set the pin mode: 0 in, 1 in pull-up, 2 in pull-down, 3 out push pull, 4 out open drain,

  5 out push pull PWM, 6 input capture, 7 output compare, 8 I2C
EXTImod ( u a -- ) Sets for pin a (D2, D4, D7, D10) the EXTI mode u: 0 rising, 1 falling, 2 both edges, 3 none EXTIwait ( u a -- ) Wait for EXTI interrupt on pin a (D2, D4, D7, D10), timeout u in [ms]
EXTImod ( u a -- ) set for pin a (D2, D4, D7, D10) the EXTI mode u: 0 rising, 1 falling, 2 both edges, 3 none EXTIwait ( u a -- ) wait for EXTI interrupt on pin a (D2, D4, D7, D10), timeout u in [ms]
pwmpin! ( u a -- ) sets the digital output port pin a (D3=3, D6=6, D9=9) to a PWM value u (0..1000). Default frequency is 1 kHz, TIMER1 pwmprescale ( u -- ) Sets the PWM prescale for TIMER1. 32 kHz / prescale, default 32 -> PWM frequency 1 kHz
pwmpin! ( u a -- ) set the digital output port pin a (D3=3, D6=6, D9=9) to a PWM value u (0..1000). Default frequency is 1 kHz, TIMER1 pwmprescale ( u -- ) Set the PWM prescale for TIMER1. 32 kHz / prescale, default 32 -> PWM frequency 1 kHz
ICOCprescale ( u -- ) Sets the input capture / output compare prescale for TIMER2. default 32 -> 32 MHz / 32 = 1 MHz, timer resolution 1 us ICOCperiod! ( u -- ) Sets the input capture / output compare (TIMER2) period. default $FFFFFFFF (4'294'967'295).
ICOCprescale ( u -- ) set the input capture / output compare prescale for TIMER2. default 32 -> 32 MHz / 32 = 1 MHz, timer resolution 1 us ICOCperiod! ( u -- ) set the input capture / output compare (TIMER2) period. default $FFFFFFFF (4'294'967'295).
  When the up counter reaches the period, the counter is set to 0. For prescale 32 the maximum time is about 1 h 11 m
ICOCcount! ( -- u ) Sets the input capture / output compare counter for TIMER2 ICOCcount@ ( u -- ) Gets the input capture / output compare counter for TIMER2 ICOCstart ( -- ) Starts the ICOC period ICOCstop ( -- ) Stops the ICOC period OCmod ( u a -- ) Sets for pin a (D0, D1, D5) the Output Compare mode u: 0 frozen, 1 active level on match, 2 inactive level on match,
ICOCcount! ( -- u ) set the input capture / output compare counter for TIMER2 ICOCcount@ ( u -- ) get the input capture / output compare counter for TIMER2 ICOCstart ( -- ) start the ICOC period ICOCstop ( -- ) stop the ICOC period OCmod ( u a -- ) set for pin a (D0, D1, D5) the Output Compare mode u: 0 frozen, 1 active level on match, 2 inactive level on match,
  3 toggle on match, 4 forced active, 5 forced inactive

OCstart ( u a -- ) Starts the output compare mode for pin a with pulse u OCstop ( a -- ) Stops output compare for pin a ICstart ( u -- ) Starts input capture u: 0 rising edge, 1 falling edge, 2 both edges ICstop ( -- ) Stops input capture
OCstart ( u a -- ) start the output compare mode for pin a with pulse u OCstop ( a -- ) stop output compare for pin a ICstart ( u -- ) start input capture u: 0 rising edge, 1 falling edge, 2 both edges ICstop ( -- ) stop input capture
  waitperiod ( -- ) wait for the end of the TIMER2 period OCwait ( a -- ) wait for the end of output capture on pin a ICwait ( u -- u ) wait for the end of input capture with timeout u, returns counter u
apin@ ( a -- u ) gets the analog input port pin (A0 .. A5). Returns a 12 bit value (0..4095)

I2Cdev ( u -- ) Sets the 7-bit I2C address I2Cput ( c-addr u -- ) put a message with length u from buffer at c-addr to the I2C slave device I2Cget ( c-addr u -- ) get a message with length u from I2C slave device to buffer at c-addr I2Cputget ( a1 u1 a2 u2 -- ) put a message with length u1 from buffer at a1 to the I2C slave device and get a message with length u2 from device to buffer at a2

SPIputget ( a1 a2 u -- ) put a message with length u from buffer at a1 to the SPI slave device and get a message with length u from device to buffer at a2 SPIputc ( char ) put a single char to the SPI slave device

apin@ ( a -- u ) get the analog input port pin (A0 .. A5). Returns a 12 bit value (0..4095) vref@ ( -- u ) get the Vref voltage in mV (rather the VDDA) vbat@ ( -- u ) get the Vbat voltage in mV CPUtemp@ ( -- u ) get CPU temperature in degree Celsius

I2Cput ( a # u -- ) put a message with length u (count in bytes) from buffer at a to the I2C slave device u I2Cget ( a # u -- ) get a message with length u from I2C slave device to buffer at a I2Cputget ( a #1 #2 u -- ) put a message with length #1 from buffer at a to the I2C slave device u and get a message with length #2 from device to buffer at a

SPIget ( a # -- ) get a message with length # from SPI slave device to buffer at a SPIput ( a # -- ) put a message with length # from buffer at a to the SPI slave device SPIputget ( a #1 #2 -- ) put a message with length #1 from buffer at a to the SPI slave device and get a message with length #2 from device to buffer at a SPImutex ( -- a ) get the SPI mutex address

Line: 83 to 87
3 0 dmod   \ set D0 to Output
3 1 dmod   \ set D1 to Output

3 2 dmod \ set D2 to Output
 3 3 dmod \ set D3 to Output
3 4 dmod \ set D4 to Output
 3 5 dmod \ set D5 to Output 3 6 dmod \ set D6 to Output
3 7 dmod \ set D7 to Output

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