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Results from MecrispCube web retrieved at 10:33 (GMT)

The board support package for the Adafruit Feather STM32F405 Board is restricted to the J1 and J3 pin header and the onboard LEDs and switches (buttons). The STM32F...
The board support package for the STM32WB Firefly Development Board is restricted to the Arduino UNO R3 pin header and the onboard LED and switch (button). The STM...
DRAFT The board support package for the STM NUCLEO H743ZI Board is restricted to the Arduino UNO pin header and the onboard LEDs and switch (push button). The STM32H...
DRAFT The board support package for the Arduino H7 Board is restricted to the Arduino MKR pin header and the onboard RGB LED. The STM32H747 has much more capabilities...
The board support package for the STM32WB Nucleo Board is restricted to the Arduino UNO R3 pin header and the onboard LEDs and switches (buttons). The STM32 has much...
The board support package for the STM32WB Feather Development Board (see feather) is restricted to the JP1 and JP3 pin header...
Unfortunately the STM32WB Feather Development Board is no longer available. But there is a very good substitute the Firefly designed by Tlera Corp. The pinout is...
After discovering Adafruit`s Feather STM32F405 for myself, I wanted to develop a Feather board for the STM32WB. Luckily I found the STM32WB Feather Development Board...
NeoPixel Wing How to control a NeoPixel. Schematics I use the default digital pin D6 fo DIN 3 6 dmod...
Mecrisp Stellaris Forth for the STM32 Cube ecosystem. Forth is an interactive and extensible language, with built in lexical analysis (tokenizer, parser) and interpreter...
Statistics for MecrispCube Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic...
Number of topics: 11

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