H0n30 Climax

Markus, thanks for the great caboose

Scratch built Climax (H0n30). The photos are taken with a Nikon CoolPix 900 camera. More photos will follow.

Prototype Information

A good source for information about Climax Locomotives prototypes. You can see there a typical 15-ton Class A Climax

The definitive guide to the Climax locomotives: Dennis Blake Thompson, Richard Dunn, Steve Hauff, et al, The Climax Locomotive, Oso Publishing 2002, ISBN 1-9647521-6-6, http://www.osorail.com


T-boiler for my scratch built climax. The boiler consists of two brass tubes with 9.5 mm and 13 mm diameter. The project was inspired by the Roundhouse Battle Mountain Climax. I bought the kit several years ago, but in the end I did not use any part from the kit except the idea.


NWSL Kingpin

The NWSL powering kit (#210-6 for H0n30) for the Keystone Shay is an excellent driving mechanism. But the the kingpin assembly was not feasible for me, it is really difficult to weld the kingpin without destroying the small part. I found for me an alternative way for the kingpin assembly. I use a M1.4 screw to fix the kingpin to the gearbox. But you need a lathe, otherwise I can not imagine how to drill the hole through the kingpin.

Jeff Law sent me following note about drilling the kingpin over H0n30 mailing list (see the HOn30 Mail Car mailing list home page: http://www.hon30.org):

I was intrigued with your innovative solution to the kingpin assembly on the NWSL truck. I've been having difficulty with these myself on a Shay I'm building. You'll be interested to know that, having no lathe, I tried chucking the kingpin in my Dremel, using sandpaper at low-speed to true up the kingpin end, and then using a 1.2mm drill in a pin-vise to drill the hole for the 1.4mm screw whilst still running the Dremel at low-speed. This worked a treat -- thanks for the idea that pointed me in that direction!

Trucks, Sideframes

I used the original sideframes (non-geared on both sides) from NWSL (#2086.005).

Finished Model

-- PeterSchmid - 2011-05-09

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif back.gif r1 manage 5.2 K 2011-05-09 - 19:44 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg back.jpg r1 manage 39.3 K 2011-05-09 - 19:44 PeterSchmid  
GIFgif boiler.gif r1 manage 7.3 K 2011-05-09 - 19:44 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg boiler.jpg r1 manage 31.2 K 2011-05-09 - 19:44 PeterSchmid  
GIFgif bottom.gif r1 manage 5.7 K 2011-05-09 - 19:44 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg bottom.jpg r1 manage 36.3 K 2011-05-09 - 19:44 PeterSchmid  
GIFgif caboose.gif r1 manage 7.0 K 2011-05-09 - 19:44 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg caboose.jpg r1 manage 53.9 K 2011-05-09 - 19:44 PeterSchmid  
GIFgif climax2.gif r1 manage 9.4 K 2011-05-09 - 19:45 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg climax2.jpg r1 manage 25.0 K 2011-05-09 - 19:45 PeterSchmid  
GIFgif climax3.gif r1 manage 6.6 K 2011-05-09 - 19:45 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg climax3.jpg r1 manage 53.9 K 2011-05-09 - 19:45 PeterSchmid  
GIFgif evasser.gif r1 manage 3.2 K 2011-05-09 - 19:45 PeterSchmid  
GIFgif front.gif r1 manage 5.5 K 2011-05-09 - 19:45 PeterSchmid  
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GIFgif kingpin.gif r1 manage 7.2 K 2011-05-09 - 19:45 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg kingpin.jpg r1 manage 34.1 K 2011-05-09 - 19:45 PeterSchmid  
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JPEGjpg trestle1.jpg r1 manage 54.8 K 2011-05-09 - 19:46 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg trestle2-s.jpg r1 manage 7.5 K 2011-05-09 - 19:46 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg trestle2.jpg r1 manage 60.7 K 2011-05-09 - 19:46 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg trestle3-s.jpg r1 manage 5.9 K 2011-05-09 - 19:46 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg trestle3.jpg r1 manage 44.5 K 2011-05-09 - 19:46 PeterSchmid  
GIFgif truck.gif r1 manage 6.6 K 2011-05-09 - 19:46 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg truck.jpg r1 manage 13.9 K 2011-05-09 - 19:46 PeterSchmid  
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