Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local
machine (STM32WB Katydid Wearable BLE Sensor Board) for development and testing purposes.
- Katydid Wearable BLE Sensor Board
with STM32WB55 MCU (Cortex ARM M4) runs at a 32 MHz (the Bluetooth stack runs on a Cortex ARM M0+ core). If you want to debug C and assembler programs you need an ST-Link debugger/programmer.
- Terminal emulator application for PC, e.g.:
- Windows and Linux
- Tera Term
- Windows
- Realterm
- Windows
- minicom, microcom, screen - Linux
- Use the built in Eclipse console (but no LF)
Flash the Mecrisp-Cube
) or the
, Forth utilities included e.g. disassembler, float operations, conditionals, etc) to the Katydid Board.
- Connect the Katydid Board USB to the PC
- Hold the BTN button (BOOTP Pin), push the nRST button, release the nRST button
- Program the binary (
or MecrispCubeKatydidUtil.bin
) with the STMCubeProgrammer (select USB Device)
- Reset or power cycle the Katydid board
Start the terminal emulator application on the PC.
Check for the serial communication port (e.g. for Linux
I set the putty terminal configuration to
- Implicit CR in every LF
- Local echo: Auto
- Local line editing: Auto
- Keyboard Backspace: Control-H
- Keyboard Function: Keys VT100
- Remote character set: CP850
Mecrisp-Stellaris RA 2.5.4 by Matthias Koch.
Mecrisp-Cube 1.4.5 for STM32WB Katydid, 63/384 KiB RAM/FLASH dictionary (C) 2022
* Firmware Package STM32Cube FW_WB V1.14.1, USB-CDC, BLE Stack 5.3 (C) 2022 STMicroelectronics
* CMSIS-RTOS V2 FreeRTOS wrapper, FreeRTOS Kernel V10.3.1 (C) 2020
* FatFs for internal flash and microSD - Generic FAT fs module R0.12c (C) 2017 ChaN
* tiny vi - part of BusyBox (C) 2000, 2001 Sterling Huxley
include 0:/etc/rc.local
23 5 / .[CR] 4 ok.
: hello ." World" ;[CR] ok.
hello[CR] World ok.
Special Functions on Startup
USB-CDC is the default console.
- Button BTN
- start STM bootloader
- blue LED
- the LED lights up during the initialization phase
Additional Tools and Local Filesystem
Populate a microSD with the contents of
. Put the microSD into the uSD Card slot and reset or power cycle the board.
The directory should look like this:
ls -l 1:[CR]
drw- 0 2021-04-18T18:12:38 boot
drw- 0 2021-03-21T18:47:52 etc
drw- 0 2021-03-21T18:47:54 fsr
drw- 0 2021-03-21T18:47:54 home
drw- 0 2021-03-21T18:47:56 man
-rwa 7219 2021-01-08T19:42:36
You can use the local CLI commands like
to create a filesystem on the serial flash and fill it with files and folders. But this is tedious job because I haven't yet implemented a recursive copy for MecrispCube. But there is prepared disk image
(for details see
MicroSdBlocks#Serial_Flash) on microSD and the tool
. You can copy the disk image to the drive 0: (this takes about 8 Minutes):
dd 1:/boot/fd-16MiB.img 0:[CR]
mount 0:[CR]
ls 0:[CR]
man fsr boot
etc home
The Mecrisp have some tools bundled in its distribution e.g. assembler, disassembler, dump, float. I put those tools and some more into the folder
. With the "init.fs script" I compile my favorite ones into the flash directory (if you use the
binary, these tools are already compiled in):
compiletoflash[CR] ok.
include /etc/init.fs[CR]
init.fs Loading started
RAM Dictionary: 392991 KiB
utils.fs loading ...
conditional.fs loading ...
dump.fs loading ...
disassembler-m3.fs loading ...
float.fs loading ...
threads.fs loading ...
RAM Dictionary: 392981 KiB
init.fs finished ok.
For example, the word disassember is available now:
see dump[CR]
080405F0: B500 push { lr }
080405F2: F7C2 bl 08002A3E --> cr
080405F4: FA24
080405F6: CF08 ldmia r7 { r3 }
080405F8: F013 ands r2 r3 #F
080405FA: 020F
080405FC: F847 str r3 [ r7 #-4 ]!
080405FE: 3D04
08040600: 2A00 cmp r2 #0
08040602: D000 beq 08040606
08040604: 3610 adds r6 #10
08040606: CF08 ldmia r7 { r3 }
08040608: F847 str r6 [ r7 #-4 ]!