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Results from Velo web retrieved at 09:36 (GMT)

Some impressions from the installation party.
Built in cyclocomputer features: Current speed Maximum speed Average speed Trip distance Total distance Altitude...
Thanks to the stroboscopic effect , the impression arises, that the image is motionless. The LEDs have to be turned on and off in time with the wheel rotation. One...
Functional Model With only 12 LEDs, Freescale FRDM KL25Z and Arduino Proto Shield. Proof of concept, January 2014. 1. Prototype With...
BLE Application Software for the Velo Bling Bling Project LED lights for bicycle wheels. 16 multi color LEDs on both sides (PCB top and bottom side). There are two...
Es gibt Dinge, die braucht man nicht unbedingt, die machen einfach nur Spass. e bei eWheel steht ...
Electronic Design for the Velo Bling Bling Project LED lights for bicycle wheels. 16 multi color LEDs on both sides (PCB top and bottom side). There are two windows...
Mechanical Design for the Velo Bling Bling Mounting Frame LED lights for bicycle wheels. 16 multi color LEDs on both sides (PCB top and bottom side). There are two...
Firmware for the Velo Bling Bling project LED lights for bicycle wheels. 16 multi color LEDs on both sides (PCB top and bottom side). There are two windows (upper...
Software is licensed under GPL The `Velo Bling Bling` firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public...
Pushbutton Operation Short pressure: start trip (green LD1) #8644; stop trip (red LD1) Double click: reset trip (blue LD1) Long pressure: LEDs enabled...
Statistics for Velo Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 13

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